Saturday, 9 June 2012

Copyright for Hard Work and the Exception for It (the Fair Use)

Everyone is entitled to be paid for the hard work that they had done. Musicians, artists, editors, and others who have come out with their new inventions should get the pay that they deserve as no one should get others' hard work by free. This is due to the fact that creators retain the copyright for their own works. Copyright is defined as the creators has the rights to control their works and decide how the works are going to be (is4profit 2004).

According to My Malaysia News (2012), UK government has implemented the regulations and ordered five internet firms like Virgin Media and others to stop from using the Pirate Bay, the website that enable public to download music, videos, pictures and dramas for free. The news stated that this action of Pirate Bay has violated the copyright of the creators as those creators for music and drama did not get any pay for their original inventions. This is clearly unfair to them as they retain the rights to possess their original works. Hence, they should get paid by those who wish to use those particular music or videos. According to the UK Copyright Law- the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the Act covered several areas of works like music, books, movie, broadcasts, written materials and others. It is an automatic right for the creator that created the original works (UKCS 2009).

On the other hand, there is an exception called 'Fair Use' that enable people to use the creator's works without infringe the original works. However, it only covers the materials like news, leisure speech and those for research and academic purposes (Crews & Buttler 2000, p.39). The Fair Use offers an exception to the copyright that can bring the social benefits to the public.

We should respect the original works of the creators as they have put many efforts to come out with their invention. Therefore, public should not steal other people’s works by infringed the copyright unless such works are excluded under the fair use category which should be used wisely.


Crews, K.D. & Buttler, D.K. 2000, 'Copyright Law For Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Pratical Solutions', 2nd edn, Library of Congress, United States. Viewed 8th June 2012,

Is4profit 2004, 'Copyright-Basic Facts About Copyright', Crown Copyright, Llyods TSB. Viewed 8th June 2012,

My Malaysia News 2012, 'British Internet Firms Ordered To Block Pirate Bay', [My Malaysia News Online], (Updated May 2012), London. Viewed 8th June 2012,

UKCS 2009, 'Fact Sheet P-01: UK Copyright Law', The UK Copyright Service, Copyright Witness Ltd., UK. Viewed 8th June 2012,

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